
第72回国際写真サロン(国内 Japan)


After screening the entries in the 72nd International Photographic Salon (sponsored by Asahi Shimbun and the All-Japan Association of Photographic Societies with support from Canon Inc. and Canon Marketing Japan Inc.), the Screening Committee has selected a total of 130 works, comprised of 80 from overseas and 50 from within Japan, including six special prize winners (three from overseas and three from Japan). There were 6,125 entries from 41 countries, with the greatest number from India (1,677 entries). Together with the 3,285 entries from within Japan, a total of 9,410 entries were received. The works were judged by a 12-member panel led by photographer Takeyoshi Tanuma.


Winning entrants were led by Vietnam in the overseas division with 13 works, followed by India with 11, Iran and Bangladesh with 8 each, Myanmar (Burma) with 3, Israel, South Korea, Lithuania, Moldova, and Ukraine with 2 each, Australia, Austria, China, Czech Republic, Germany Denmark, Egypt, Spain, Estonia, France, Hungary, Italy, Sri Lanka, Latvia, Holland, Norway, Pakistan, Philippines, Romania, Russia, Singapore, Serbia, Thailand, Tunisia, Taiwan, America, and South Africa with 1 each.
In Japan, Fukuoka had the highest number of winning entrants with 7, followed by Mie with 6, Aichi with 5, Osaka with 4, and Shizuoka and Hiroshima with 3 each.

審査委員長 田沼武能
Takeyoshi Tanuma, Screening Committee Chairman


Judging is complete for the 72nd International Photographic Salon. The increased submissions from Asia this year is good news. Respective national traits were evident in the images submitted from 41 nations and regions around the world. Judges were impressed with their appeal, and the debate scene ensuing over evaluating works they had nominated was climactic. It resulted in this year’s winning selections.


The International Photographic Salon is distinguished by beautiful and enjoyable salon photographs displaying high quality artistry; as such, they are clearly distinct from documentary photographs. An additional characteristic is that even photographs winning in other contests may be submitted.


The works from overseas the increase in applicants with an Asian influence accounts for a great number. That likely indicates an increase in the number of enthusiastic individuals. Diverse ideas were expressed in works from many countries, indicating a broad range of applicants.


Works from Japan have also come to display an appreciation for the essence of salon photography; the creative subject matter and refined techniques in numerous images could honestly be admired.


During review, attention was always paid to works that encompassed novel senses and ideas without abandoning tradition. In the next competition, we challenge photographers to capture fascinating works which no other individual could express. Anticipation is high.

 審査委員特別賞「強風」 西原 博子(愛知県)

A sandstorm struck a family motionless at the seashore. The figure of parents reliably shielding their children in this poignant photograph exemplifies human love for family as well as the bond between family members.

 審査委員特別賞「共生の神秘」 伊藤 久幸(愛知県)

Morays and delicate shrimp dwelling in the ocean tell a tale. The two morays caught close-up against a black background and the obliging shrimp accentuate the mystery of symbiosis. The skillfulness in composition is dazzling.

 審査委員特別賞「ボディーメイク」 大城 保行(大阪府)

Workers paint the body of an enormous zebra are like a lot of dwarf laborers. The world of fantasy constructed by digital technology is admirable.


「家族」 瀬川 正範(岩手県)

「麦畑」 村上 吉秋(岩手県)

「地蔵祭りの宵」 戸塚 喜八(山形県)

「被災地の怪樹」 佐藤 一旭(福島県)

「吉日」 奥畑 二郎(栃木県)

「いのち」 黒沢 雍弘(埼玉県)

「真夏の冒険」 原 文男(埼玉県)

「花盛り 蜂ざかり」 柴〓 都(千葉県)

「弾ける若さ」 大久保 辰朗(東京都)

「子供役者」 竹崎 哲夫(石川県)

「祈り」 山本 田鶴子(静岡県)

「挑戦」 林 博視(静岡県)

「おやつの時間」 勝又 暎子(静岡県)

「ここは?」 犬飼 長年(愛知県)

「チビッ子警察官」 小幡 哲資(愛知県)

「思いやり」 垰本 照代(愛知県)

「待ち遠しいね」 牛場 寿子(三重県)

「出番前」 森下 喜美子(三重県)

「わが家」 矢田 新男(三重県)

「疾風のように」 花木 義孝(三重県)

「まなざし」 志貴 利彦(三重県)

「テール」 出口 幸弘(三重県)

「外界を覗く」 三沢 勇典(京都府)

「過密」 山本 公一(大阪府)

「遭遇」 渋谷 栄(大阪府)

「世相」 浅野 和夫(大阪府)

「奉納相撲」 山崎 秀司(兵庫県)

「北国旅情」 武田 雅男(奈良県)

「地上474メートル」 中屋 敏男(奈良県)

「幻夜」 山下 廣子(和歌山県)

「宴たけなわ」 房宗 友治(岡山県)

「廃船」 縣 巌(広島県)

「ハプニング」 槇本 正美(広島県)

「凍てつく黎明」 瀬野 秀明(広島県)

「厳冬」 大野 義人(山口県)

「ひとりっ娘プール」 吉田 健次(山口県)

「落書き」 大川 博(香川県)

「秋日」 那須 昭典(福岡県)

「雷光」 西尾 彪(福岡県)

「夕暮」 奥田 賢治(福岡県)

「喫煙室」 宮崎 末美(福岡県)

「臼かぶり」 角 和典(福岡県)

「過去たち」 黒岩 和夫(福岡県)

「爆煙」 小林 勲(福岡県)

「大寒みそぎ」 久田 重一(長崎県)

「熱気」 山根 博義(大分県)

「トレーニング」 溝部 志公(大分県)


19/4/26 初心者向け公式写真撮影ガイドブック 発売中
19/2/15 「全日写連」ルールについて

English Information

About The All-Japan Association of Photographic Societies

朝日新聞東京本社内 全日本写真連盟事務局